Our Most up-to-date EdgeStar 40 Pint Portable Dehumidifier - Energy Star Rated Will make Your Life Even better
The moment you obtained the first EdgeStar 40 Pint Portable Dehumidifier - Energy Star Rated you probably thought that it absolutely was about to save you both time and money, after all that was in fact the whole factor behind the purchase of a item initially. While it's true those early on models made an improvement and make your life a little easier, at Manufacturer we believed that it just is not sufficient. You earned a product which was not just likely to help you save time, but would definitely make your life much better.
Although there are several similar EdgeStar 40 Pint Portable Dehumidifier - Energy Star Rated currently available, we know that what we have done is considered the most beneficial components of the many various items on the market and used them to create our most recent edition. A very important factor which we did observe with the amount of the other products on the market is they try to impress you with very long lists of "exclusive" options that they have added in.
Our freshest EdgeStar 40 Pint Portable Dehumidifier - Energy Star Rated incorporates its very own list of capabilities, but rather than filling it up that includes a several useless options, we invested in putting in only those which our consumers let us know they needed. Then we focused on ensuring each one of these features functioned properly, to ensure you would ultimately have the ability to choose the one item that was made with only one thing in mind and that to save no expense in making Your Life simply that small amount better than it was.
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The EdgeStar 40 pint portable dehumidifier is a top rated model that both quickly and efficiently removes excess moisture from the air and works well in a variety of environments. Built with a specially designed compressor and Energy Star rated, the DEP400EW is able to more effectively remove moisture from the air while using less power than other comparable models. Precise humidity controls and built-in humidistat allow complete control over desired humidity levels while providing an accurate assessment of current moisture levels within the environment.Weighing in at only 33 pounds, the EdgeStar 40 pint portable dehumidifier is compact but loaded with features that make this model versatile and suitable for almost any environment. An included washable pre-filter cleans incoming air while an optional anti-bacterial silver ion filter guards against any incoming germs. Low temperature operation and auto de-icer functionality make this model well-suited for basement and crawl space environments. The DEP400EW is also able to be continuously operated with a direct drain option and has an auto-restart and auto-shut off option if temperatures fall too low or if the water bucket reaches full capacity.
- Low tum temp of 44°Femperature operation with minim
- Removes moisture in an area up to 2500 square feet
- Energy Requirements: 115 Volts/60 Hz; 4.8 Amps; 525 Watts
- 10 pint (4.7 liter) removable water bucket
- Adjustable humidity range of 35 - 80% relative humidity
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